Encounter the whales as the early pirates did when they reached the Baja peninsula. We tell you all about the whales’ lifestyle and habits as you watch them jump, play, and float near the boat.
Learn about how the Baja region was discovered and the pirates that sailed its seas. Excellent ambiance and hands-on activities with our crew make for a fun day for all!
$89 USD - To Pay in FullTour Length:
2 HoursChildren (6-11)
$45 USD - Pay in FullTour Departure:
9:00 amBreakfast
Open Bar
Live best
2 restrooms for the public.
Dock Fee - $3.00 USD
Photos and Souvenirs
Gratuity (left to individual discretion)
Credit card
Beach attire
Swimming suit
No Pets Allowed
Minimum age 18+ to drink Alcohol
Pay Full Now.
Infants 0 - 5 years old - only pay dock fee
Booking at least 24 Hours in advance.
Marina de Cabo San Lucas Puerto 0, In Front of Breathless Hotel
GPS: 22.8815949, 109.9076636
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