Formerly known as Isla Chica, Deva is a spacious 32ft catamaran designed to accommodate both small and large groups of up to 12 passengers. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the bay of Cabo San Lucas as Deva cruises, exploring all the points of interest before anchoring at a semi-private beach where you can fully embrace and enjoy all of Deva’s outstanding amenities.
We will cruise around the bay of Cabo San Lucas where you will get the opportunity to Explore Baja’s spectacular coast, Lover’s Beach and The Arch, as well as snorkeling off Pelican Rock Area, around hundreds of tropical fish and explore all the points of interest.
A 32 foot custom made catamaran is made for groups of up to 12 people. Play your own music on our MP3 system, choose your own activities, and bring your own food/drink or let us cater your trip at low special rates!
Snorkel gear and a water mat are also included!